On Saturday, I got 5 Kissaluvs brand cloth diapers off Craigslist! I am so excited! These are the perfect diaper for Rachel to wear during the day when we're home and she's playing and pottying regularly. They are fitted diapers, so they wrap around and snap, and they fit like really thick underwear. It's a better alternative than letting her crawl around with a bare bottom! Hopefully we'll have less floor accidents this way. Cloth diapering is so much easier and more fun than I imagined it would be.
I was hoping the time change this weekend would put Rachel back on schedule to start sleeping until 7:00am like she used to, in the good ol' days. But this morning, she cried for me at 5:50am, even though her body should have thought it was only 4:50am. How did she know?? All I know is that I am struggling, having missed that hour completely.
Church was great this morning. Jarrad, Rachel and I all dressed in RED to back the Pack! We were very excited about NCSU making it to the ACC Championship game, and we had to show our support. Rachel was a hit in her cheerleading uniform. If you know me, you know I am not a fan of cheerleading, nor cheerleading uniforms, and, even less, clothes with messages written across the bum. But, just this once, it was pretty darn cute.
Progress Report (Sunday)
potty | diaper | |
peepee | 6 | 4 |
poop | 1 | 0 |
AM nap | PM nap | |
duration | 1:00 | 1:15 |
diaper | wet | dry |
Rachel did well on the potty Saturday too, but I can't remember the exact count. I do know she had one floor accident after her bath, and Jarrad got to witness this one. We both laughed pretty hard.
On another fun potty note, when Rachel doesn't want to stop what she's doing long enough to sit, I can always convince her by putting Eeyore on the potty and making him jump up and down as if he went. She grins and complies every time.
cute moment
I took Rachel's lunch with us to watch the game at a restaurant with Jarrad and a couple of guys we know. Her lunch included a Zwieback Toast. Since Monkey also tagged along, Rachel thought it would be nice to share her lunch with him. She repeatedly offered him bites of her toast.
non-toy toy of the day
While watching the game, Rachel most preferred playing with the ketchup bottle on the table. I made sure she kept her paci in her mouth so she wouldn't try to eat the ketchup! Yuck! (Don't worry: after she played with the ketchup bottle, she played with a hand wipe.)
We're in the same boat as you with the sleep thing. Time changes are hard!! The one in the fall threw us for a major loop. I'm hoping this one is better!! My girlfriend has a VERY funny posting about DST on her blog. You must read. http://chasingproverbs31.blogspot.com/ Your blog is great! :)
Leah did the same thing with daylight saving time... I thought she'd sleep late, but instead, she woke up at 6am, but she should have thought it was 5am! How do they know these things? It's that internal timer they have. I hear you on the tiredness - let's go get coffee soon. :)
May I put a link to your blog on mine? :) I see that you don't have links for others on yours so if you prefer that only people you know view your blog, that's cool. Just let me know. :)
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