We had a really fun day today. Rachel slept straight through until 6:15am, and took two good naps. We went to lunch with my two Dutch friends, Carla and Sylvia! I’ve mentioned Carla many times, and Sylvia goes to our church. When I heard Sylvia say she is from Holland, I knew Carla would enjoy meeting her and speaking Dutch for a change! They had fun with Rachel, too. I told Carla that everyone in the restaurant was probably confused about whose baby she is, since she definitely looks more like she belongs with the fair Dutch ladies than with me. See the picture and judge for yourself.
I’ve been pushing myself to let Rachel try some new, ‘real’ foods, since she’ll be 11 months old tomorrow. Yesterday she tried real green beans, and she liked them fine, though she wasn’t crazy about them. At lunch today, she first tried cottage cheese. She hated it. Then, she tried vanilla pudding. She loved it. Last, she tried vanilla ice cream. She devoured it.
Our college friend, Jay, came over when he got off work today.
It was his first time meeting Rachel, but he feels like he knows her because he keeps up with the blog! Jay does lots of voices and impersonations, and Rachel found his booming voice amusing. Jay got to watch Rachel try some more new foods: real carrots and mushy multi-grain pasta. She hated them both, screwing up her face and ejecting each bite. I guess we’ll try that again tomorrow.
Speaking of trying new things, it seems that Rachel has successfully weaned herself. She has nursed better the last day or two, but she doesn't seem to be getting enough, which means that the little strike she went on may have done in my milk supply. It was a hard decision, but when she only peepeed 4 times today, I knew I had to do something. So tonight, I mixed her up some formula. She loves drinking out of her cup, so I thought she wouldn't skip a beat. She got really excited when she saw the sippy cup, and she clamped down on it for her first gulp. Her first gulp immediately came leaking out of the side of her mouth. She gave a confused look at the cup (she has only ever had water from the cup) and caustiously tried once more. She shuttered at what she tasted, and would only play with the spout after that. I don't really know what to do now, but I'll sleep on it and see what tomorrow brings.
Progress Report
potty | diaper | |
peepee | 2 | 2 |
poop | 1 | 0 |
cute moment
This morning, Rachel played with her "My First Purse," a gift from Aunt KiKi. She actually put it on her little arm and was walking around her room like she was on a shopping trip to the mall. I know Aunt KiKi will be thrilled, since she's looking forward to taking Rachel shopping a lot in the future!
non-toy toy of the day
The long curtains that hang in our dining room over the sliding glass door have been off for a couple weeks because I hemmed, washed, and ironed them. Now that they're back up, Rachel has discovered that they are great for playing hide and seek. She went back and forth behind them this afternoon, giggling every time she peeked out. I guess that should be a no-no...we'll start tomorrow.
that face down there says the opposite about "liking the green beans" jeje and my Pa likes the picture w the dutch ladies. He said that it looks like Raquelita is saying "hey mom! take a picture of me with my two friends!" I can't wait to play hide and seek behind the curtains w raquelita...when mommy leaves us alone ;)
Playing hide and seek with the curtains was hilarious. Rachel loves to laugh thats for sure. She is so adorable, anna! I am happy that i finally got to meet her :)
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