Today, Rachel slept her latest to date: 9:05am. I never thought it would happen, but today was the day. As a result, we had a great day. She had one very small temper tantrum, one time out, and one self-imposed time out. Huh? Well, I started time out [again] last week. I tried it a few weeks ago, and she didn't seem to get it. She gets it now. I usually get one of the small, square floor pillows, set it in the corner, and then she sits there for about a minute. The same day she got a time out for the first time, she gave herself a time out. Now, when I give her a warning and say she'll get a time out if she does ____ again, she goes and has a time out. She pulls the pillow off the stack, sets it in the corner, sits on it for a second and looks at me, and then says/signs "all finished" before replacing the pillow on the stack. I also reluctantly use spanking on occasion, and she has also begun requesting a "spank spank" (that's what I call it) when I give her a warning. Don't get me wrong--she definitely seems to have her feelings hurt when I give her a spank spank or a time I don't understand what she's thinking. As usual.
she's too funny! crazy girl!!!
We had a little discipline incident today too. Alex had slammed a big truck down on Ruby's hand just to spite her because she was trying to use the little lap tray that he wanted. Fortunately the truck was plastic and didn't really hurt but I still told him he needed to say sorry. Which is really a stretch for his verbal skills, but I still think the concept needs to be introduced. So, instead he turns to Ruby and looks at her very seriously and shouts NO! I reminded him that he was not being nice and he needed to apologize and he looked at her again and said NO! Finally on the third try he said "arsy" which is as good as it gets. Isn't it funny that at such a young age you'd already be running from guilt and passing the blame?!?
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