Monday, June 18, 2007

new year's day

We have been recovering from a busy busy weekend. Rachel was in good spirits all day, and she even took a 2-hour nap this morning! She also slept until 6:45am, which made me a happy mommy. Our downstairs is back to normal now, too, with a freshly remodeled half bathroom!! Since it's not one big 'no touch' zone anymore, Rachel was back to having lots of room to roam, and I'm back to being able to do chores while she's awake. Whew!

Progress Report

peepee 46
poop 10

cute moment

PopPop has been teaching Rachel his name. He pats her chest and says "Rachel," and then pats his own chest and says, "PopPop." Rachel definitely knows his name now, and, today, she added his sign too. So now when she says "PahPah," she also pats her chest.

non-toy toy of the day

I let Rachel feed herself with a spoon today. 'Nuff said.

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