Wednesday, June 6, 2007

where's you from?

Okay, long story short...actually, short story short: The dress I made for Rachel is tooooooooo big. SO, I've started a new one, this time with a different pattern, but using the same material (I have barely enough left to piece it together). I hope this one fits! Anyway, the other one will be cute...someday!

Progress Report

peepee 45
poop 20

cute moment

Rachel is understanding so much these days, and she's saying a new word almost everyday (today, she started saying "bye bye," although it usually sounds like "da da"). To encourage her learning, I'm trying to teach her to point to her ear and her nose. Usually, there is some context because we read a book that has pictures of the body parts and we talk about them. But this morning, I was trying to get her to show off for Jarrad, and I randomly asked, "Rachel, where's your ear?" She looked around the room and thought about the question. Then, she picked up one of her stuffed animals. "Yep, Rachel, that is Eeyore." HAHA! Jarrad and I could not stop laughing.

non-toy toy of the day

Rachel is playing with one of her diapers...she loooooves playing with diapers, for whatever reason. In the first video, she actually says "diaper" (which, in Rachel language, sounds like "dagoon"). In the second video, she approximates the sign for "help" because she wants to put the diaper on Monkey. So silly!


Matt and Lisa said...

Oh sad that it is that much too big! I'm really surprised, though. I don't think Leah's are that much too big - only a little. Anyways, I hope the next one fits her!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh my goodness! Raquelita is precious and smart!!! I LOVE the 2 videos! My family LOOOOVES RAquelita!
~tia Milli

Anonymous said...

and I also like how she talks to the diaper in the first video(if thats what she is doing)
~tia Milli (again)