Wednesday, April 4, 2007

back on track

Okay, first of all, yes, Rachel is wearing the same outfit as yesterday. I washed it last night and put it right back on her this morning, since it might be the last warm day we have before she grows out of it. I think it's fair that I want her to wear it at least twice before she grows out of it!

Rachel was one good baby today! She did get up a bit early, around 6:10am, but I knew that meant she'd take a good morning nap, so I didn't mind. After her morning nap, we went to see Koen! We had a great time hanging out at his house, and Rachel was in a great mood, finding lots of new things to get into. She got to sit in a big bean bag to eat her lunch, which she thought was really great!

I am ashamed to say that I got four new FuzziBunz diapers today! In my defense, I ordered them a while ago, before I really knew we probably don't need them. Also in my defense, two are really cute girly colors: Bubblegum Pink and Lavendar. All of Rachel's diapers are gender-neutral or even boy colors (because I bought them used from mommies of boys). Still, I can't decide if I want to put them in rotation or try to resell them as new. The pink one is just so especially cute!!

Jarrad came home a little early from work so I could go get a haircut in peace. He and Rachel had a fun time. The best part of leaving Rachel for an hour or two is that she seems so happy to see me when I get back. Tonight, when I put her in her crib for bedtime, she started talking to herself as usual. Although she rarely has any problem going to sleep, she started crying tonight. Since I had missed her too, I went right back in her room and rocked her to sleep. I really enjoyed that, since she doesn't do it often anymore.

Progress Report

peepee 72
poop 20
 AM napPM nap
diaper drydry

Rachel was back to her old self on the potty today. Thank goodness!

cute moment

There are three "no-touch" zones in Rachel's room, and she doesn't seem to mind that so far. She is not allowed to touch the outlets, the cord to her lamp, and she's not allowed to crawl behind the rocking chair and get into the cable that's back there. Behind the rocking chair is number one on her "I want to sneak back there and play" list. So, as soon as she thinks I'm not paying attention, straight back there she goes. Of course, I remove her and remind her, "that's a 'no touch.'" What does she do? She grins and refuses to sit down anywhere, which forces me to just hold her hands and let her walk laps around the room. And so she walks, cooing and grinning, with no particular destination, until she gets tired or sees a toy she wants and decides to plop down so she can play. Her laps are getting longer and longer, and she's holding onto my fingers less and less. I don't think it will be long until she is taking some steps!!

non-toy toy of the day

Rachel's container of Cheerios is a great toy. It makes a pleasant rattle sound when Rachel shakes it, and it's the perfect size for her to hold in her hands (and feet).