Sunday, April 1, 2007

weekend bliss

It's so fun to have PopPop and Uma in town! GreatGrandmaw G. taught PopPop how to make all kinds of goodies from apples, and he brought Rachel some special homemade applesauce. She loves it! He also made yummy Apple Butter and Apple Jelly. He made pickles, too! He's so handy.

Yesterday, PopPop, along with Pop, Landin, Kevin, and Uncle Travis, helped Jarrad with a huge project. Our neighbor, Jimmy, owns a tree service, and he graciously brought a few of his employees over to clear our backyard! We are now nearly treeless behind our house. There's still a lot of work to be done (I'm told) before we can have a green grassy yard, but we're one step closer, and I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait for Rachel to have a safe place to play outside. Check out the before and after!

While the guys were doing the loud work, Rachel and I spent the day at Aunt KiKi and Uncle Travis's house. Rachel fell asleep in the car on the way there, and thought that 15 minutes was a sufficient nap for the morning. So she and I played while Tyler slept, and Aunt KiKi attended a bridal shower.

The three of us had lunch and played a while, and then played a little while longer when Aunt KiKi came home. She took Tyler to see his Grandpa, and Rachel took a good afternoon nap in Tyler's crib. She enjoyed seeing Uncle Travis when she woke up, since he is so very silly and will do about anything to get Rachel to grin and giggle

When we got home, Aunt Julie came over with her little dog, Jack. We all spoke in cheery voices, as Rachel watched Jack closely from her stroller. She didn't cry at all, and she even let Jack lick her toes! We had dinner with Aunt Julie and Mr. Landin, and Rachel was very ready for bed.

That leads us to today. She slept until a respectable 6:15am. She was dry for the third morning in a row (that's seven of the last 9 mornings!). She refused to take her usual abbreviated Sunday morning in-the-car-with-Daddy nap, so she was cranky by the time church was over. She took a short nap on the way home, and then took her regular afternoon nap after lunch. PopPop and Uma came by on their way out of town. PopPop fed Rachel some more homemade applesauce! Early to bed for Rachel tonight.

Progress Report (Sunday)

peepee 65
poop 10
 AM napPM nap
diaper N/Adry

I got really frustrated with pottying on Friday (Rachel seemed anxious too), so I decided we would take a potty break Saturday. Since we weren't home most of the day anyway, it was the perfect opportunity to take a little vacation. She did use the potty two or three times when we were home, but I didn't even take it with us to Tyler's house. I felt much more relaxed today, and I keep telling myself not to rush things or overreact to what I think are her cues.

cute moment

When Tyler woke up, I put Rachel in his crib. Tyler was still sleepy, so Rachel took the opportunity to bully him by stealing his paci right out of his mouth. Since he has extras in his crib, he didn't seem to mind. She pulled his paci out, he replaced it with another, she took that one, he replaced it, and so on. They played several rounds of this. Tyler was very polite to humor Rachel.

non-toy toy of the day

PopPop's Gatorade bottle was a fun distraction while we sat outside and chatted Saturday afternoon.


Denise said...

I love the pix of Tyler and Rachel in the crib! How fun!! Too bad that Jon could not have been there for the party!

Jay said...

your blog is so fun to read :)