Tuesday, March 20, 2007

what's in a name

Rachel knows Little Rex! It's amazing how much more Rachel is understanding lately. Yesterday, she had been carrying Little Rex around all afternoon. At some point after Jarrad came home, she dropped Little Rex and ended up playing with another toy on the other side of the room. I said, "Rachel, where's Little Rex?" She looked all around and finally crawled over and picked him up. Could it be? So we set up a series of experiments to test her, and she passed with flying colors! We named him only 3 or 4 weeks ago, and already she knows his name!

Rachel's new friend Will came over today! He is just 5 days older than Rachel, and he was dressed like a big boy in his orange polo shirt and blue jeans. He is SO cute, and he actually has less hair than Rachel! The pair had lunch together. Will's mommy, Christina, has also started using cloth diapers, so we've had fun comparing notes and learning together. I showed Christina our growing stash of dipes; she and I split an order of FuzziBunz that should be shipped soon. I'm excited to get some fun colors!

Progress Report

peepee 46
poop 20
 AM napPM nap
diaper drydry

cute moment

Rachel is giggling and clapping for all kinds of things lately. Today, she finally started laughing at a game Aunt KiKi made up. I close my eyes and let my facial expression fall flat for a second, and then I pop open my eyes, open my mouth to a grin, and gasp, like something has pleasantly surprised me. She laughed at this over and over. I hope I don't hyperventilate!

non-toy toy of the day

On our walk, though she didn't want to wear them, Rachel liked holding her sunglasses in her hand and waving them around. I did snatch one picture of her before she pulled them off...

life lesson

I've still been processing Pastor Scott's lesson from Sunday. After having a relationship with Christ for 20 years, last night, it really sunk in that God does care about ME. I've always had a big-picture view of God and how He must think of His creation (us, this world, etc). God created the world, created Man, to ultimately and exclusively glorify Him. So, it follows, that all things happen to that end: good, bad, big, small. In that case, MY circumstances and worries are merely bumps in MY road, not His. They may trip ME up, but not Him. They might bother ME, but they surely do not bother Him. But wait, that's not true is it? He does care; my worries do bother Him. It's incomprehensible, but so true. If Jesus cared about the wine at that wedding (John 2:1-11, Jesus' first miracle), and He cared about how He was regarded by those few people (His disciples), then He must care about ME. I would never have claimed to think God didn't care about me, but that is how I've conducted my inner thoughts and conflicts: as if they were mine to deal with. What a relief to know I should give them to God after all. That's how He wants it. That's how He intended it.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Great post!! Your thoughts about the Lord are ones that I have often struggled with. Yes, I know God loves me but ALL my silly worries - He cares about them too? Doesn't He think, "Here she goes AGAIN - worrying about that silly thing. Where is her faith??" I think like you said, He does indeed care. On a lighter note, LOVE the sunglasses!